Calvary Christian School is committed to a safe return to full in-person instruction on August 31, 2020. We have been monitoring the protocols set forth by the governor and have created a plan that is reasonable and appropriate to stay healthy while returning to academic life as close to normal as possible. To facilitate this objective, we have made the following changes to our school site to assist in our safe return to classes:
*Masks will be used for the duration of any activity that requires close physical proximity or where physical proximity is
*Anyone who wishes to wear a face covering at all times throughout the day is welcomed and encouraged to do so.
2. Reducing areas of congestion as much as possible-
*Staggered entry and exit times to minimize office congestion
Grades Arrival Times School Begins School Ends Departure Times
1 – 4 7:45 – 8:15am 8:15am 2:15pm 2:15 – 2:45pm
5 – 12 8:15 – 8:30am 8:30am 2:45pm 2:45 – 3:15pm
*Middle school and high school will not be utilizing the lockers this year due to minimal space in the hallway. Students will have personal space in the classroom for backpacks and lunches.
*Spaced breaks/recess times
3. Disinfecting/cleaning protocols –
*Each classroom will be supplied with hand sanitizer and disinfectant for staff and students to use throughout the day as needed.
*Standing hand sanitizing stations will be located in the school office, the School Age Care classroom, and playground entrances for ease of use when entering/reentering the building.
*Hand sanitizer dispensers will be installed in each of the bathrooms for use after hand washing.
*Because drinking fountains present a germ transmission issue, we are installing a water bottle filler on our current drinking fountain for students to be able to fill their own reusable bottles as needed. We ask that each student bring one with their name on it every day.
*Each class will have their own playground equipment, and disinfecting protocols will be in place for each class for this equipment.
*Frequently used surfaces will be disinfected by staff throughout the day.
*Students must have their own supplies on hand at all times, because the sharing of materials will not be permitted.
4. Health and hygiene–ANYONE experiencing these symptoms may not enter the facility and must be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to campus:
**Fever 99 degrees or above
**Shortness of breath (unrelated to asthma)
**Sore Throat
**Congestion or runny nose
**Muscle or body aches
**Nausea or vomiting
*Temperatures will be taken (using a touch-free thermometer) for all persons who enter the facility at any time.
a. Anyone with a temperature of 99 degrees or above will not be permitted to enter the facility.
b. Students who display any of the above symptoms during the school day will be sent home and must remain home until they are 24 hours symptom-free.
*Proper hand washing will be reviewed and encouraged throughout the day, especially before and after lunch and after recess/breaks.
5. Social distancing -
*Student seating and desks will be spread out as much as reasonably possible within each classroom.
*Teachers will implement procedures for submitting homework in a way that minimizes contact.
*Extra lunch tables will be utilized in order to spread students out as much as reasonably possible during the lunch break.
**With the exception of siblings, students are NOT PERMITTED to share lunch items
*As previously stated, high school students will not use lockers this year, but instead will have a space within their desk area to store backpacks and lunches.
*Parents may provide a clear, plexiglass sneeze-guard shield for their child to use on his/her desk. They are not required and the school will not be providing them.
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